New Look! :B

Assalamualaikum! Hi, guys!

Long time no see yo! This is just a short update about me, after taking a little bit short 'nap'. Yeah, I am busy, yo! Busy tweeting in Twitter was just so amazing, and it was addicting. Believe me, Twitter is something that you can't never regret for. /in my opinion\ Anyway, I was being bashed by some of atheists, you know. People that insulting Islam. Why they don't use their brain properly, ah? Damn stupid people.. A bunch  of morons, who only knows to bash and insult others' religion and beliefs.

Since, I got a very bad temper, I can easily burst out into a 'Hulk'. LOL, just kidding.

By the way, are you ready to school? Me?

Are you joking? I can't believe that there are only a few weeks left before school starts.. I hope that I will get 9 As for my PMR!! InshaAllah...

Eh, back to the title, yeah, this blog now has a smoking effin' hot look. Isn't it? I spend almost 3 days to finish it. Firstly, I was using a template from as the base code of this skin. But since it spoilt my blog's look, so I, replace it with my own. One hundred percent, my codes! Aha~ By the way, thanks to Dancing Sheep for inspiring me! :P

Au Revoir, earthlings!

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