A whole new level.

Hello! How have you been doing? I hope that you are doing great. If you are not, just be thankful for whatever that is existing just for you, perhaps your mobile phone? Books? Family? Shelter? I do not  really know who you are, so I am just going to keep guessing until one of the answers might hit the question correctly for you. There are a lot of things that I want to write, and share in this blog, something that maybe useful or just a trash for some of you. I think that I need to stop to annoy others, being nice to people but not to please them for their own satisfactions because this is my life, right? I am so tired being me - it is so exhausting.

I have not yet received my result for this 2013 end of year examination. It is not because the postman does not know the way to my house, it is because I am too lazy to retrieve it from my old primary school since all of the letters from my school are supposed to be addressed to there. Maybe I am going to check the mail tomorrow if I have the obligatory to do it. There are millions of things I need to do. Physics folio is such a pain in the ass. Everything is such a pain in the ass.

But, there is another bright side of this holiday, that I get to travel oversea for the first time ever in my pathetic life. I went to Hong Kong and Guangzhou, China for a short span of visit. It was absolutely exciting and amazing, I went to Disneyland, having some fun there, I rode the roller-coaster alone, well literally because everyone else was such a cowardice. LOL. I bought a lot shoes back in China, but the shoes were seriously had ached my feet - I guess it's a bad idea to buy shoes at China even though they are extremely cheap and cute quite suitable for a frugal person like me. The thing that I had regretted so much is that I did not buy the Cath Kidston purses and cute wide printed shawls at China, and I was seriously crying and moaning whenever I thought about the regrets of not buying those pretty things because those items were such a rarity here in my place.