To be or not to be.

I have never read Hamlet but the quotation above is just so damn popular that I cannot ignore it. As usual, life has been sometimes fair and square, sometimes it is just unfair for me. Pardon all of my grammatical errors as I am writing this from my phone and under the influence of my wacky emotion. I am just going to be straightforward. I do not know what the hell is wrong with me but honestly, I want to confess that I do not really have a mass number of friends a.k.a people whom I can really trust. I am feeling like I am being a left out in this world and I really mean it this time. Nonetheless, the most perplexing thing is that occasionally I will be someone who does not give any damn thing about this ostracising thing. Hell, recently there was a mock interview in my school for the form fivers, which I had thought I had excelled in it but the irony that I was one of the low scorers   in my fucking group. All thanks to me, all hail to my most brilliant self that recklessly had done something that was even a nitwit did not want to do.