Last time I had updated was on 31/12/2013

It had been like I was four months away from the computer, to be precise, from my blog - right? Live no worries, pals. I am still breathing in the air perfectly normal all these time but I did not have the urge to write anything but here we are! It seems like a myriad of years had been passing... I was trying to be conspicuous though I was working hard to make people to notice me. So far, life had been treating me fair and square, although there was a squall had happened (literally speaking), had almost ruined my friendship with my room mates. I had gone to Perak earlier this March, not having some fun but to compete for Drama Fest for Minggu Bahasa Zon Selatan - YES! I was in the school drama team, the uttermost momentous of all was that, I was the lead actress! I had almost won the best actress title, but too bad that my acting was not on the par off someone who had more experiences than me. I had some great fun there with all those crazy people (I am going to miss them so much!), but a bit of emotional tears had streamed down my face because the drama thingy had gotten harsh and something went wrong during the rehearsal that I had a fought with my close friend. There was a little bit misunderstanding happened, I had pinched her, a little bit too hard that she had gone berserk towards me, and I had to get to her and I was a little bit shaken, and I was emotionally hurt during that time, but it was entirely my fault. I was such an idiot. My anger had reached its apex, I was stark raving mad, I was jealous. Sometimes, I really hate being myself, I would wish that I am prettier, taller, slimmer, and richer. I am a mean, rude and an impudent person. People do not like me that much, it hurts me so much. It feels like my heart is sliced a bit by bit by a blunt knife. When I get angry, I casually cry to let out my anger or just throwing some punches at the wall. And I think I am going to throw and stomp on this laptop NOW. I just hate to be pissed off. Why cannot all those people stop making me fucking angry? Thwarting me from veins bulging out from my neck? My hand hurts so much now, I had plummeted my fist to the wall just now and I think I had popped a few arteries. JUST STOP MAKING ME MAD, PLEASE? I FUCKIND DETEST IT.